The Importance Of Caring For Your Hearing Aids

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
The Importance Of Caring For Your Hearing Aids

As someone looking to invest in hearing aids, or if you already have them, you’ll want to know how to care for them. After all, hearing aids are intricate and delicate devices that require maintenance for long-term, effective use.

Luckily, our experts at Nano Hearing Aids know all about these devices and the best ways to care for them. Read on to find out why you should take care of your hearing aids, and how you can keep them functional for years to come.

Why Caring For Your Hearing Aids Is Important

There are many reasons why caring for your hearing aids is important, both financially and for your health and safety. Regular maintenance helps prevent the buildup of wax and other debris, which maintains sound quality and inner ear cleanliness. Buildup can often obstruct your hearing aid’s microphone and speakers, damaging performance and sound quality.

Keeping your hearing aids away from moisture is also important, as it protects them from damage and prevents you from using an unsanitary device. Always store your hearing aid in a protective case to avoid contact with unwanted moisture and other materials.

When your hearing aids remain functional and undamaged for longer, you’ll also save money. No one wants to reinvest in new hearing aids or expensive fixes due to preventable damages. Instead, you can avoid potential expenses by caring for your hearing aids.

By incorporating simple care practices into your routine, you can enjoy optimal performance from your hearing aids and prolong their overall lifespan.

Parts of A Hearing Aid

and how they can be maintained and protected. Broken up into two simple categories, here are the parts of a typical hearing aid:

The Exterior
  • Shell: The shell encases and protects other parts of the hearing aid, like the microphone and amplifier. It comes in a variety of shapes, colors, and skin tones.
  • Button or switch: This button or switch can toggle between various programs for different environments or adjust hearing aid volume.
  • Sound Tube: A slender, plastic-coated wire behind the ear model that extends from the hearing aid's body to the speaker placed inside your ear, transmitting both power and signals to the speaker.
  • Speaker/Receiver: Typically housed in the dome or earmold, the speaker rests inside your ear. Once the speaker receives the electrical signal from the amplifier, it transforms it back into acoustic energy or sound.
  • Dome or Earmold: Similar, but different, these two parts serve the same purpose. Soft-tipped domes fit into the ear canal, providing a comfortable and open-fit option for some users. On the other hand, earmolds are custom-made pieces that snugly fill the ear.
The Interior
  • Microphone and processor: Located on the inside of the shell, this part captures exterior sounds and transmits them to the amplifier. Many modern microphones are capable of distinguishing between speech and background noise.
  • Amplifier: This part converts sounds transmitted by the microphone into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted to the receiver/speaker. The degree of amplification is adjusted based on the level of hearing loss.
  • Batteries: This is the hearing aid’s power source. Depending on the type of hearing aid, batteries may be rechargeable or disposable.
Caring For The Exterior

Exterior parts like the shell can experience a buildup of dirt, oils, and wax. Curved areas of the shell, or slits above the microphone are most affected. Here’s how to care for this hearing aid part:

  • Clean loose debris with a dry microfiber cloth.
  • Address stubborn debris with cleaning brushes (often included with your hearing aid)
  • Wipe away wax buildup with a SLIGHTLY damp tissue or cloth.
  • Never use dripping wet cloths or chemical cleaners to clean the shell.
Caring For The Speaker/Receiver

The speaker/receiver of your hearing aid is especially important to clean, as it will be resting closest to your inner ear. Wax buildup on the receiver is extremely common, and can block or distort sounds. Here are our cleaning tips:

  • Clean your receiver gently, as too much force can damage this part.
  • Use the wax pick included with your hearing aid to scoop away wax. This can be done easily by inserting it into the opening until you meet resistance, then pulling it back out. Repeat this process until the opening is wax-free.
  • Perform this cleaning method daily to ensure a well-functioning receiver, and to prevent stubborn wax buildup.
Caring For The Microphone

As one of the most delicate parts of your hearing aid, it’s important to clean the microphone carefully. Loose debris can impact its effectiveness, and eventually cause major damage. To ensure you get the best results, follow these tips:

  • Using your cleaning brush, gently sweep across the microphone port to clear away any debris.
  • During this process, flip your hearing aid upside down so the microphone port faces the floor. This ensures loose debris inside the shell or microphone will fall out, rather than on top of the microphone port.
  • To avoid damaging the microphone port, never poke anything inside of it.
Caring For Disposable Batteries

Dead batteries are the most common cause of hearing aid failure. Here are our tips for maintaining your hearing aid batteries:

  • Keep spare batteries in a protective case
  • Remove batteries when not using hearing aids for an extended period
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Use the correct battery size
  • Replace dead batteries promptly
  • Hearing aid batteries are toxic and dangerous if swallowed.
  • Keep all batteries away from children and pets. Contact a physician immediately if a battery is ingested.
General Hearing Aid Care Tips

To further maintain the sound quality and extend the lifespan of your hearing aids, here are some other crucial ways you can maintain them:

  • Regularly clean all parts of your hearing aids exactly as directed
  • Avoid environments with extreme temperatures
  • Prevent your hearing aids from getting wet
  • Keep your hearing aids out of reach of children and pets
  • Avoid using personal care products around your hearing aids (e.g. hairspray, blow dryer, etc.)
  • Turn your hearing aids off when not in use
  • Replace dead hearing aid batteries immediately
  • Visit your hearing healthcare provider at least once a year for adjustments

By following these tips, you can rest-assured knowing your hearing aids will last longer, and give you the highest quality hearing experience. Plus, most of these steps are simple and easy, taking only a few minutes!

Hearing Aid Care FAQ
What activities should I avoid when wearing a hearing aid?
To ensure the health and functionality of your hearing aids, here are a few activities you should avoid:
  • Swimming
  • Rigorous exercise
  • Showering
  • Going out in the rain
It’s important to note that you can still do these activities after taking your hearing aids out. However, we don’t recommend doing any of them with your hearing aids in, as they can be exposed to excess moisture and other potential damage.
How often should hearing aids be cleaned?
Hearing aids should be cleaned at least once a week, with parts like the receiver benefitting from daily cleaning. Here is a comprehensive guide to hearing aid cleaning, or you can watch this informative video.
How long do hearing aid batteries last?
Nano Hearing Aid batteries are guaranteed to last 12 hours per charge. You can recharge your hearing aids 2 times with our small, portable charging case.

Try Our Easy-To-Care For OTC Hearing Aids

If you want long-lasting, easily maintained hearing aids, look no further. At Nano Hearing Aids, we’re eager to provide you with the most hassle-free OTC hearing aids on the market.


Our hearing aids are built to last, with well-fitting domes and receivers. You can easily charge them for daily use, allowing you to reconnect with the sounds of life.

So, if you’re interested in trying our easy-to-care for OTC hearing aids, you can get started on our website, or contact us at (888) 310-6266.

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