Is Lip Smacking a Sign of Dementia? What Is the Potential Cure

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
Is Lip Smacking a Sign of Dementia? What Is the Potential Cure

Dementia can trigger several mental health problems and can manifest involuntary movements like lip-smacking, picking, etc. In this article, we will discuss how involuntary lip smacking is related to dementia.

Involuntary lip-smacking can be a primary sign of Lewy Body Dementia and Alzheimer’s. With rapid detection and proper diagnosis, patients can be protected against further dementia risks. 

Is Lip Smacking a Sign of Dementia

Involuntary Lip Smacking as a Sign of Dementia

Dementia occurs due to brain cell damage. As the brain controls all our bodily functions, it cannot perform the regular tasks properly when the brain cells are damaged.

Dementia affects the learning and memory center of the brain along with the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for controlling the movement of the human body. As a result, dementia patients may experience involuntary muscle spasms, rigidity, and muscle tensing.

As a part of these symptoms, lip-smacking can occur in dementia patients. In many cases, this is one of the primary symptoms of dementia aside from memory loss.

What to Do After Detecting the Symptoms

Whenever you detect any dementia symptom, the first and foremost thing you need to do is see a doctor. The doctor will assess if the patient has any underlying conditions that are causing cognitive difficulties. They will conduct several tests to uncover possible causes for the symptoms.

Some common procedures a dementia patient goes through are:

  • Neurological and cognitive tests
  • Brain scans
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Genetic tests
  • Blood tests

It is important to detect the symptoms as early as possible to keep the condition under control.

Treatments for Dementia

There are still no definitive treatments for dementia. Doctors treat symptoms as they occur in patients.

The symptoms generally depend on the severity of the damage and the impact on the brain. The disease will progress in a stepwise fashion. If the condition is severe, patients may experience strokes or mini-strokes. 

Many of the common dementia symptoms like memory loss still don’t have any proper medication. A healthy lifestyle can be very helpful in keeping the symptoms at bay.

Exercising, healthy eating, and proper maintenance of other chronic diseases can go a long way to keep dementia under control.  As the mentioned activities help in healthy blood flow, the brain doesn’t suffer from blood insufficiency. Therefore, further damage in brain cells can be effectively avoided.

Also Read: Patients with Dementia are often obsessed with money. Let’s dive deep on the link between Dementia and money obsession.

How Hearing Aids Can Reduce Impacts of Dementia

In many instances, it is seen that hearing loss patients develop dementia if the disability is not treated. As the ear cannot deliver enough sound signals to the brain, the brain starts utilizing more cells to process sound. Therefore, other brain functions get disrupted.

When hearing loss patients get a hearing aid for listening to sound better, extra stress on the brain is neutralized. Therefore, brain cells can avoid potential damages. 

Additionally, hearing loss can impact people’s day-to-day activities and cause communication problems. This may often push a hearing loss patient towards depression and anxiety. Thus, hearing loss patients can suffer from long term mental health conditions along with dementia.

By using a good pair of hearing aids, these conditions can be managed effectively. Hearing aids allow hearing loss patients to communicate with others without difficulty. Thus, any impact on mental health and the brain can be avoided.

In most cases, hearing loss patients don't want to get hearing aids for the outrageous price point. To resolve this, Nano Hearing Aids has manufactured top-quality hearing aids at an affordable price.

You can purchase Nano Hearing Aids online or in a drug store as OTC hearing aids. 

By using hearing aids, you can significantly reduce the risks of causing dementia and avoid involuntary movements like lip-smacking from occurring. 

Bottom Line

Involuntary muscle movements like lip-smacking are certainly a sign of dementia. However, if you take rapid actions to diagnose the underlying reasons for dementia and treat them, you can avoid the situation from escalating.

Hearing loss is a significant reason for dementia and hearing aids can help these patients to lead a regular life without further health damage. By using hearing aids, hearing loss patients can avoid any involuntary muscle movements from occurring.

Early diagnosis and proper treatment is the key to preventing dementia from occurring. This will also help with making sure you don’t fall victim to the other associated health risks. Therefore, it will be worth your while to get yourself tested as soon as possible before any further damage occurs. Remember that while dementia is not curable, it is manageable and early intervention is key. 

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