How To Talk To Someone About Hearing Loss

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
How To Talk To Someone About Hearing Loss

If a friend or family member is having difficulty hearing, discussing their hearing loss can be a sensitive subject. However, it’s very important to talk to them about their hearing loss to ensure they get the help they need.

Below are some specific ways to speak with someone about hearing loss.

How To Talk To Someone About Hearing Loss

Choose The Right Environment

Find a quiet space to speak so that the person can clearly understand you, while also making sure it’s a private environment.

Express Your Concern For Their Well-Being

Try starting the conversation by saying something similar to, “Your well-being is important to me, and I’ve noticed you’ve been experiencing difficulty hearing lately. I want to make sure you have the support and resources you need to stay safe and connected to your friends and family.”

Be Supportive

When speaking with your friend or loved one, be empathetic and understanding about their situation. Losing the ability to hear can be frustrating and an emotional process for many people. Let them know you are there to help them.

Share Examples

Consider sharing some specific examples of times when you’ve noticed they have had difficulty hearing. This could include saying, “I’ve noticed last week at lunch you needed me to repeat myself a few times,” or “I’ve noticed you need to frequently turn the TV volume up.”

Avoid Blame

Hearing loss can be due to a variety of reasons, from genetics to age, medications, and more. Avoid placing blame on the individual for experiencing hearing loss. Focus on helping them find a solution.

Share Solutions

Share information with them about the various causes of hearing loss and the treatments available, such as OTC hearing aids.

Listen To What They Say

It’s very important during the conversation to listen to what they say, enabling them to share their feelings, concerns, and needs.

What Causes Hearing Loss?

Many things can cause hearing loss, including:

  • Age
  • Repeated exposure to loud noises that damage the inner ear
  • Genetics
  • Earwax buildup
  • Ear infections
  • Medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Medications
  • Using headphones
  • Structural issues within the ear

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss?

There are several different signs and symptoms of hearing loss, including perceived mild to moderate hearing loss and severe hearing loss.

Hearing Loss

Symptoms of Mild To Moderate Hearing Loss

A hearing impaired person with mild to moderate hearing loss might experience the following:

  • Trouble hearing conversations in noisy places and with a lot of background noise or loud sounds
  • Difficulty hearing someone on the phone
  • Feeling tired from listening
  • Finding it difficult to follow conversations and hear people in group settings
  • Needing to turn up the volume on the TV or radio, even if others say that it’s loud

Someone with hearing loss that is perceived as mild to moderate can potentially have their hearing improved through the use of OTC hearing aids, which doesn’t require a prescription or visits to the doctor.

Symptoms of Severe Hearing Loss

Symptoms of severe hearing loss can include:

Difficulty hearing loud noises, even in quiet environments

Difficulty hearing conversations

Struggling to understand or follow discussions in a group setting

Reading lips as a result of hearing loss

Experiencing tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears)

Inability to hear doorbells and alarms

Struggling to enjoy music

Feeling isolated from friends and social settings due to difficulty hearing

Impaired coordination

Relying heavily on facial expressions and visual cues to understand conversations

Having difficulty understanding speech, even when others speak clearly

Experiencing frustration and isolation, which might lead them to avoid speaking altogether and/or avoid interacting with others

If you suspect your friend or loved one has severe hearing loss, consider encouraging them to speak with a doctor or hearing specialist. They can conduct hearing tests to determine the severity of the hearing loss and provide next steps for treatment.

OTC Hearing Aids For Perceived Mild To Moderate Hearing Loss

Many people with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss have found it beneficial to wear hearing aids that are OTC, as they can be a great solution for improving hearing. These FDA-regulated devices don't need a prescription, hearing exam, or doctor's appointment. With Nano OTC hearing aids, you simply pick the best dome size for your ears, turn them on, and put them in. Keep in mind it might take several days or weeks for your ears and brain to get used to them, which is why Nano OTC Hearing Aids come with a 45-day money-back guarantee and free 24/7 lifetime support.

Shop Nano OTC Hearing Aids

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Living With Hearing Loss
Types of Hearing Loss