Hearing loss is one of the growing problems in the world right now. Moreover, hearing impairment can also lead to sadness and depression.
When someone suffers from hearing loss, it takes time for them to adjust with this condition. During this period, most people isolate themselves from society and cut off any social connections. This sadness can lead to depression that hinders them from leading a normal life.
In this blog, we’ll talk about how hearing impairment leads to sadness and depression and the possible ways to counteract such problems.
The Link Between Depression and Hearing Loss
Study shows Hearing loss affects over 9 million Americans over 65. Those who are over this age and don't wear hearing devices are at high risk of depression and hearing impairment.
Studies have found that people who didn't get hearing aids felt more depressed and thought others neglected them for their condition. These people mostly isolate themselves from social communications and gatherings.
Hearing loss can also make it challenging to connect with loved ones and follow discussions. These events can lead to depression, anxiety, isolation, social fear, and much more.
In some cases, hearing loss might be caused by kidney problems. Studied the association between kidney disease and hearing loss in further depth.
How Hearing Impairment Leads to Sadness and Ways to Counter it
It's easy to understand how sadness and hearing impairment could be linked. Hearing loss makes it hard for anyone to follow and maintain conversations, hindering communication. It can cause weariness, tension, and also social isolation. This social isolation can cause sadness, which slowly turns to depression.
How Depression Takes Place with Hearing Impairment
Social Fear
Having impairment can force you to avoid social connections and situations as you cannot follow discussions and communicate effectively. A casual family gathering may feel frightening. You may also feel neglected as some people might not want to speak with you. Lack of proper communication and support can raise the risk of depression.
However, one of the best solutions for this can be wearing hearing aids. And if you feel wearing hearing aids will let people judge you, then you can always choose completely-In-canal (CIC) hearing devices as they are fitted inside the ear canal, and no one would even notice it.
Stress and AnxietyWhen you lose your ability to enjoy sounds, you can experience anxiety and stress. The symptoms of depression can start with these and it can get more and more severe with time.
So, when you first experience hearing issues, consult with an audiologist immediately. They will have you undergo a few hearing tests, and if they recommend using hearing devices, you should start using them as they will help you hear the beauty of sounds again.
Insomnia and Anger Issues
Signs of depression can be anger, irritability, and even insomnia. There are chances that when you start to develop your hearing issues, you can face all of these problems.
These issues should not be taken lightly as they may only get worse with time. However, if you do start to face any such issues, always consult with your doctor who may suggest you with effective therapy methods to manage these problems. They may tell you to use hearing aids to aid you with hearing.
Knowing Depression Symptoms and Consulting About Your Problem is Important
Audiologists not only recommend frequent hearing tests, but they are also familiar with the indications of depression.
When you face hearing impairment, you are definitely frustrated, worried, or stressed, which is why you are looking for treatment, so ensure that your audiologist is also concerned about your mental health.
Apart from symptoms of depression like sadness or hopelessness, symptoms like difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities, and weariness can have an adverse impact on your lifestyle.
Depression can also contribute to making your hearing loss worse. If you are depressed and don’t feel like socializing with people, your brain cells responsible for your hearing will not get enough stimulation. Not hearing conversations on a regular basis will damage your hearing even further in the long run. That’s why it is very important for people with hearing loss to treat depression as soon as possible.
Bottom Line
Hearing loss is considered to be one of the biggest triggers of depression and sadness. However, suitable hearing devices can help you improve the quality of your life by improving your hearing.
This can rebuild your relationships with friends and family, making you feel more independent and safe. If you get yourself a world-class hearing aid device like Nano CIC, chances of you being depressed due to hearing loss will be much lower.
Therefore, if you face any such issues, you must consult with your audiologist and get a high-quality hearing device.