How Blood Pressure and Hearing Loss Are Interconnected

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
How Blood Pressure and Hearing Loss Are Interconnected

Maintaining your blood pressure is important if you want to prevent heart disease, but did you know that blood pressure can play a role in hearing loss as well? Read on to learn about the connection between blood pressure and hearing loss.

The link between cardiovascular disease and hearing loss was discovered years ago. Heart problems can build plaque in your arteries, which can restrict the flow of blood. This can affect the nerves that are responsible for sending impulses to your brain, thus affecting your hearing. 

Hearing loss might be severe depending on the levels of your blood pressure. 

Link between blood pressure and hearing loss

High Blood Pressure and Hearing Loss: The Connection

According to the American Heart Association, blood pressure readings less than 120/80 mm Hg are considered normal. However, untreated hypertension has a direct effect on your hearing by increasing the degradation of the auditory system as you start to age. 

When you suffer from high blood pressure, the blood vessels throughout the body, including in the ears, are harmed as a result of the impaired blood supply to the body.

When blood arteries in the ears get compromised, fatty plaque accumulates and can impair hearing. The inner ear, which is extremely sensitive to blood flow, plays an essential role in your hearing. 

Diagram of the Inner Ear

Hair cells are key components of the inner ear; hair cells contain vital mechanisms that respond and also detect sound, conveying nerve signals to the brain. Apart from hypertension, aging, loud noises, or even certain illnesses can also cause hair cell destruction.

If you have high blood pressure, then there are chances of severe and permanent damage to your hearing organs. Not only is hypertension concerning, but any rapid change to your hearing can be a serious warning that should not be overlooked. 

The Degree of Hearing Damage Caused by Hypertension

When someone has high blood pressure, the blood vessels throughout the body are damaged. According to studies, this comprises the blood veins that supply the ears with blood. Increased blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of hearing loss. If blood pressure remains elevated for an extended length of time, it might permanently harm the hearing organs. 

When a person's blood pressure is brought back to normal after a brief period of hypertension, the hearing might return to normal. 

Due to the detrimental effect hearing loss has on one's quality of life, it is essential to address the causes of hearing loss rather than just fitting someone with hearing aids as their hearing continues to deteriorate.

Hearing Loss and its Connection with Risk of Stroke

Ischemic strokes are the most frequent and common type of stroke that occurs when any blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain becomes blocked, most commonly by a blood clot.

When a portion of the brain's blood supply is cut off, some of the brain cells begin to die. This can result in the loss of motor functions controlled by that region of the brain, such as speaking or even walking.

When a blood vessel in the brain breaks, a hemorrhagic stroke develops. This is frequently the result of blood pressure.

Moreover, according to research, the increase in hearing loss levels will increase the risk of stroke.

Certain stroke side effects are permanent if an excessive number of brain cells die as a result of oxygen deprivation. 

Blood Pressure Checks and Hearing Tests Go Together

High blood pressure causes rapid blood flow through the arteries, damaging the lining and causing fatty plaque to form. The damage and plaque buildup affects the entire body, including the ears. Hearing loss can occur when blood vessels in the ears are injured and fatty plaque builds up.

Moreover, in many recent studies, a link was discovered between hypertension and hearing loss. The results show that by lowering blood pressure, hearing may be restored.

The study even concluded that high blood pressure might also hasten hearing loss, so patients with high blood pressure should get their hearing examined by an audiologist to make sure their hearing isn't damaged by their hypertension.

Therefore, it's essential that you go to an audiologist for a hearing test immediately if you have high blood pressure. Moreover, you should always check the blood pressure of anyone with hearing loss. Recognizing the link between these two conditions could save someone's hearing or life.

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Different Cardiovascular Diseases and Hearing Loss

Cardiovascular diseases refer to a group of conditions. In this section of the article, you’ll learn about all the conditions that refer to cardiovascular disease and how it can also contribute to hearing loss. 

Heart Condition

Heart and blood vessel disease involves several issues, many of these diseases are associated with atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis occurs when plaque builds up in the walls of the artery. This accumulation narrows the arteries, slowing blood flow. This restriction in blood flow can also result in a stroke. Moreover, this restriction of the blood flow can also prevent the hair cells of the ears from receiving sufficient oxygen and resulting in hearing issues. 

Heart Attack

A blood clot blocks the flow of blood to a portion of the heart, causing a heart attack. If the clot entirely blocks the blood flow that can kill your arteries. 

Moreover, this restriction or blockage of blood might cause severe and irreversible damage to your ears that can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Most people survive the first heart attack and live a normal and productive life for many years. 

The drugs and lifestyle adjustments your doctor suggests may differ depending on the extent of your heart damage and the severity of your heart disease.

Heart Failure

Heart failure means the heart isn't pumping blood the way it should be. However, heart failure doesn't mean the heart stops beating. It keeps beating, but the body's needs for oxygen and blood aren't supplied. The insufficient oxygen supply can also be the reason for hearing impairment. This can prove severe, especially if it's not treated immediately. 


Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate of fewer than around 60 beats each minute. Tachycardia is defined as a heart rate of over 100 beats each minute.

An arrhythmia can harm your heart because of irregular heartbeats. Due to this, your body may not receive enough blood. This not only affects your heart but can also be the vital cause of hearing impairment. 

Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Quality of Life

If you face severe issues with hearing loss then your audiologist may suggest you purchase a hearing aid to improve your hearing. Some of the best, and most affordable, hearing aids are made by Nano Hearing Aids, can can be found here.

hearing loss linked to high blood pressure


Blood pressure and hearing loss have a deep connection, and when you suffer from high blood pressure, then it’s recommended that you work with your doctor to check whether it has affected your hearing or not. 

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