10 Hearing Aid Comfort Tips That Really Work!

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
10 Hearing Aid Comfort Tips That Really Work!

New hearing aid users can face several difficulties with their hearing aids. Here, we will discuss some tips to use hearing aids comfortably.

Getting used to hearing aids takes time, so users will need to know about their hearing aids and slowly get used to wearing the device in their daily lives. 

Hearing aid comfort tips

Here are 10 tips to help users comfortably get used to their hearing aids.

1. Your Hearing Aid Components

This is the first crucial thing for any new hearing aid user is to learn about their hearing aids. Any conventional hearing aid has three essential parts:

  • Hearing aid body: All the electronic parts and hearing aid controllers are hosted here.
  • Slim tube: this transparent tube runs from the hearing aid body to the crease between the ear and face. This component transports amplified sound waves.
  • Dome: Keeps the ear canal sealed and helps sound enter the ear.

      Depending on the hearing style, the slim tube can be absent in some, especially in smaller hearing aids. 

      2. Fitting and Controlling the Hearing Aids

      Better fitted hearing aids help in using their hearing aids regularly. If the users are not comfortable with the device, they tend to avoid using it and worsen their hearing.

      The hearing aids need to be comfortable and light, for starters, so they don’t apply extra weight to the ears. Hearing aid devices should sit high up against the ear back. The slim tube should run along the crease of the ear and need to be attached to the dome inside the ear.

      If the hearing aid placement is not proper, it can distort sound quality and can cause headaches 

      for the users. Slim tubes that are too long can cause bulging or develop kinks in the ear. Also, the dome needs to seal the ear canal for a better hearing experience.

      Additionally, most hearing aids feature buttons to increase or decrease sound or change between modes. Users need to familiarize themselves with these buttons to help them control their hearing aids.

      3. Awkwardness is Completely Natural

      Like glasses for eyes, hearing aids take time to adjust to. The users will feel awkward using a device that sits on their ears. However, regular and continuous use can resolve this problem.

      Once the users get accustomed to the hearing aids, the uneasy sensation goes away. If the users use both glasses and hearing aids, they will need to work on arranging the two devices to sit together comfortably.

      Unlike glasses, hearing aids may take up to two weeks to get used to. However, users will need to wear them despite having minor inconveniences.

      4. Start Slow

      The audiologist or the physician who helped users pick their hearing aids and calibrate them will guide users in getting used to the device. However, taking things easy can always help.

      Start wearing hearing aids in comfortable situations at first. Frequent use allows users to get used to their hearing aids faster. One will need to keep using their hearing aids in quiet spaces first. It will allow them to recognize a wide range of sounds and filter out the noises.

      Once users start using hearing aids all the time, the brain will be trained to recognize a wide sound spectrum and catch up on sounds from noisy environments.

      5. Train Ears to Get Used to Hearing Aids in a Quiet Environment

      Once hearing loss patients get their hearing aids, it may take some time to calibrate the devices properly. If hearing aid users get exposed to noisy environments without properly calibrating their devices, it can harm their hearing further.

      To avoid such incidents, users need to start wearing their hearing aids in quiet places first. Thus, users can get used to faint sounds around them initially. One may find these sounds too loud initially until the brain gets used to hearing them.

      If the users are bothered by any sounds, they can make a list and ask their audiologist to adjust them. Multiple appointments may need to be made with audiologists to adjust hearing aids properly.

      6. Get Used to the Adjusted Volume

      Many hearing aids now feature different hearing modes to adjust to the environment automatically. Thus, users may not need to tweak their hearing aids whenever they enter a new sound environment.

      Sometimes users may get tempted to increase sound in their hearing aids to hear better. However, hearing aids have limitations and won’t give sounds like natural hearing. Moreover, turning up too much can cause damage to the ear.

      7. Asking for Help

      New hearing aid users will need to ask for help from people around them to get used to normal sounds. For starters, they can ask their family members or friends to set the TV volume at a normal level. 

      Many users struggle to find normal sounds. When they ask for help, it becomes easier for them to find the right balance and get used to the new hearing situation sooner.

      8. Take Part in Group Conversations

      Taking part in group conversations helps users identify different voices, tones, and pitches. Users need to start by having conversations in small groups with their close ones. This will help them identify their voices and better understand what to expect. The brain will start to understand the link between body language and tones. Thus, hearing aid users can feel more comfortable.

      9. Captions and Subtitles can Help as Well

      Turning on subtitles while watching movies can be very helpful for hearing aid users. This helps the brain to retain information and connect body language with speech.

      Once a person faces difficulties hearing, the brain may lose some vocabulary and tone sense. Using subtitles can help a lot in this manner.

      10. Take Care of the Device

      Hearing aids can be expensive. Therefore, users will need to take proper care of their devices. Here are some measures users need to take:

      • Clean the device properly for earwax
      • Keep hearing aids in protective cases
      • Keep the devices away from children
      • Change batteries regularly and properly
      • If the hearing aid is rechargeable, charge them accordingly and don’t overcharge
      • Professionally service hearing aids at least once a year

      Also Read: Hearing impairment is no longer a barrier to your recreational activities. Our research has led us to build a list of some of the best hearing aids for watching television. Now is the time to get the one that is right for you!

      Hearing Aids

      Wrap Up

      Hearing aids take time to get used to. So, the foremost thing a hearing aid user needs is to be patient. Rushing to get used to hearing aids never works and can bring severe consequences for hearing loss patients.

      Several hearing aid brands like Nano hearing aids are manufacturing affordable hearing aids to help hearing loss individuals. 

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