Ear Stroke Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
Ear Stroke Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Deafness or hearing loss can usually be the result of nerve damage or problems in the inner ear. It can be the result of a congenital disability, specific disease, injury, or even medications. Hearing loss can also occur due to exposure to loud noises and also because of aging. 

Ear stroke is a common health condition. Sudden hearing loss in either one of the ears is the most common symptom that ear stroke shows! Ear stroke is also known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

In such cases, the patients tend to lose part or most of their hearing ability. Within this time, they’ll experience earache, tinnitus, and sudden dizziness. 

But the mistake that many people make is that they take their symptoms and condition very lightly initially. Most of them think that the hearing loss they face is due to ear wax blocking their ear canal. 

And this is what leads them to long-term effects. Many even assume that these are just simple temporary hearing losses, which will disappear in no time. But that’s not always the case, it can come up with harsh consequences, and you surely won’t want that. 

The best time for treatment for any type of hearing loss is when you first start to experience hearing difficulties. The faster you start your treatments, the fewer chances for you to have permanent deafness. 

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Ear Stroke?

It’s a misconception among people that ear stroke happens only to older people. But in reality, this medical condition can occur to all ages of people. Yet, the causes are still unknown, but researchers are trying to get to the bottom of it. 

Usually, it’s caused due to viral infections on the auditory nerves of the inner ears. For instance, influenza and herpes zoster may be the reason for sudden hearing loss. 

Another cause for this condition is vascular occlusion, which is more likely a stroke. In such cases, the auditory nerves are severely damaged because of unusual blood supply. 

A few other causes for this are tumors, autoimmune disorders, etc.

Health Conditions that May Cause Ear Stroke 

According to many researches, it has been discovered that hearing loss can take place for various kinds of health conditions. And these conditions can indeed affect your hearing, and slowly it can even destroy the middle ear bones and can cause illness or even infections. 

Ear stroke can take place due to health conditions like: 

  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Syphilis
  • Meningitis
  • Cytomegalovirus 
  • Chickenpox

These are just a few of the health conditions that can contribute to ear stroke hearing loss.

Ear Stroke Symptoms

Initially, it might be tough for anyone to judge that they have sensorineural hearing loss, a.k.a. Ear stroke.

But there are a few symptoms that can show you the signs of ear stroke. For instance:

  • Dizziness
  • Earache 
  • Tinnitus

These are the primary symptoms that can show the signs of ear stroke. But there is still various research being conducted to see what other symptoms can be found for ear stroke.

Learn more on our blog "best hearing aids for tinnitus" to get relief from Tinnitus.

Hearing Aids

The Link Between Heart Disease And Hearing Loss

Heart and hearing loss has been linked for ages. All these links are due to the blood flow. Your inner ears are always very responsive to blood flows. 

Heart diseases can result in plaque buildup in your arteries and resist the spontaneous flow of blood. This abnormal blood flow can cause extreme damage to your ear. 

And these nerves also play a vital role in helping you to hear as these carry impulses from your ear to your brain. 

In 2010, Raymond H.Hull and Stacy R. Kerschen conducted various research and found that heart conditions were directly linked with hearing issues. On the other hand, if you have enhanced heart health, then it’ll indeed have a positive impact on your hearing health as well. 

In another research, it was found that people with an active lifestyle and proper diet had a very healthy heart, i.e., cardiovascular system. Moreover, those who were involved with regular exercise had good blood pressure. 

In order to maintain good cardiovascular health, you do need to put emphasis on your eating habits. Restrict yourself from foods that are rich in cholesterol and maintain a proper lifestyle. 

Inner ear stroke is one of the most devastating outcomes of cardiovascular disease. And it can indeed have long-term effects on your hearing issues. 

For instance: 

  • Your auditory path might ultimately be unresponsive to noise detection 
  • Due to stroke or neurologic impairments, hearing loss can become permanent
  • It might cause other severe issues if the condition is severe

In short, the better the cardiovascular fitness, the fewer chances of getting hearing loss (unless it’s a hereditary condition).

Sudden Ear Stroke Hearing Loss: What to Do Next?

When you suffer from such conditions, it can indeed be devastating and frustrating for anyone. No one wants a life where there will be severe problems in hearing. 

Sudden hearing loss can be the reason for an ear stroke. Usually, after three days of ear stroke, patients will start to lose their hearing ability. 

In this time, patients might also feel:

  • Dizziness
  • Feel of Vomiting 
  • Severe inner pain
  • Ringing sound in the ear

These are the initial signs of ear stroke hearing loss. In such cases, the best option will be to consult with an expert audiologist as he’ll know the best cause for your hearing impairment. 

At first, the audiologist will give you a hearing test to see the condition of your hearing. This will help the doctors to understand the depth of your problem. 

After the test, it’s likely your audiologist will suggest you with a hearing aid. Now, when you are taking the hearing aids, make sure to tell your doctor the type of hearing aids you want. Then if it’s suitable, your doctor will suggest a hearing aid. 

Usually, audiologists prefer Nano hearing aids as these are very durable and come with high quality. And these devices are also very cost-efficient. 

Nano X2 Hearing Aid
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The moment you get your hearing aid, make sure that you wear them regularly. Yes, at first, you might feel a bit uncomfortable, but this hearing device will become a part of you as time will pass. 

And try to take care of your hearing device regularly. The more you keep these maintained, the more durable your hearing aids will be!

Remedies for Post Ear Stroke Patients

After you have been treated with ear stroke hearing loss, there are chances of ear pain after stroke. So, make sure that you follow the instructions of your audiologist word by word. 

Do keep him updated about your hearing, and if possible, make appointments and go through a weekly based check-up. 

Although, there are a few things that you can do to keep your ear and hearing maintained. 

For instance, 

  • You can use pain relievers like Tylenol and Advil. These will reduce the irritation in your ear and can also reduce your inner ear pain.
  • Try applying any sort of warm compress on your, especially if there’s any infection. This will surely give comfort to your ear, and you will feel much better.
  • If you feel that there’s any inflammation in your ear, you can surely try natural remedies like ear drops containing olive oil, tea tree, and ginger. This will not just reduce your pain but can also help in reducing inflammation.

But I’ll highly recommend that before you start on with any such remedies take advice from your doctor as he knows whether or not it’ll be a good option for you. 

Bottom Line

When you first encounter ear stroke hearing loss, there are chances that you might feel compressed and frustrated from inside. But remember this, you are not the only one to suffer from such conditions. There are many others who are suffering from far worse conditions. 

Moreover, your hearing aids are always there to aid you with hearing problems. And even if you feel uncomfortable wearing those, you can always buy in-the-canal design hearing aids. By this, people will not even notice that you are wearing a hearing device. 

In Ear Canal Nano Hearing Aids
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Lastly, maintain your device when you are using one, and do keep your doctor updated at all times. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can a stroke cause inner ear problems?

Ans: Yes, stroke might cause different levels of auditory pathway damage, and it can even lead to severe hearing loss and also perception deficits.

Q. How long does it take to recover from a stroke?

Ans: The fastest recovery is approximately within three to four months of a stroke. But it differs from patient to patient. Some even take one or even two years to recover from a stroke. 

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