Ear Infection & Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Written by the Nano Hearing Aids Team
Reviewed for Accuracy by Lindsay Roberts, AuD.

Lindsay Roberts
Ear Infection & Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Ear Infection & Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Key Takeaways

  • Ear infection-related hearing loss is typically temporary and caused by fluid and inflammation in the middle ear.
  • Common causes include bacterial or viral infections, allergies, and sinus infections.
  • Symptoms to watch for are ear pain, difficulty hearing, and fluid drainage from the ear.
  • Diagnosis is usually made through a physical exam and sometimes hearing tests.
  • Most ear infection-related hearing losses can be treated with antibiotics, ear tubes, or at-home care strategies.

What is Ear Infection-Related Hearing Loss?

When we talk about ear infection-related hearing loss, we're discussing a temporary form of hearing impairment. This condition arises when an infection in the ear leads to fluid accumulation and swelling behind the eardrum. Such infections, known as otitis media, can hamper the normal vibration of the eardrum and the ossicles - tiny bones involved in the hearing process.

As a result, sounds become muffled, and your ability to hear can be significantly reduced. Ear infection-related hearing loss exhibits a spectrum of severity from mild to profound, contingent on the degree of ear damage.

Degrees of hearing loss:

  • Mild hearing loss: Hearing loss of 26-40 decibels; individuals may struggle to hear soft sounds.
  • Moderate hearing loss: Hearing loss of 41-55 decibels; following normal conversations can become challenging.
  • Severe hearing loss: Hearing loss of 71-90 decibels; without amplification, understanding speech is nearly impossible.


NANO Hearing Aids are FDA-registered, Class I devices. Our OTC hearing aids are designed for individuals over 18 years of age with perceived mild to moderate hearing impairment. With prices starting at just $297, they offer a viable solution for those looking to improve their hearing without breaking the bank.

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Causes of Ear Infection

Ear infections can be caused by a variety of factors, each contributing to the possibility of hearing loss - bacteria or viruses are often the culprits, entering the middle ear and causing inflammation. Allergies can also play a role by causing eustachian tube dysfunction, which prevents proper drainage of the middle ear; sinus infections, colds, and even changes in air pressure can lead to fluid build-up and infection, potentially impacting hearing.

Common Causes:

  • Infections Caused by Bacteria or Viruses: These can lead to hearing issues.
  • Allergy-Induced Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Allergies can disrupt the normal function of the eustachian tube.
  • Upper Respiratory Infections: Conditions like the common cold can affect hearing.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to tobacco smoke or significant air pollution can impact hearing health.
  • Congenital or Genetic Conditions: Structural abnormalities, including cleft palate or Down syndrome, may influence hearing capabilities.

Symptoms of Ear Infection

If you or your child is experiencing an ear infection, several symptoms might indicate hearing loss. Ear pain is a common sign, especially when it becomes more intense during activities like chewing or lying down. You may also notice a feeling of fullness in the ear - as if it's clogged or under pressure. In children, look for signs like unexplained irritability, difficulty responding to sounds, or a sudden change in academic performance, which could suggest they're not hearing well.

One of the most telling signs of an ear infection is the presence of fluid draining from the ear. This could be clear, pus-like, or even bloody. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications and restore normal hearing.

Look out for these indicators:

  • Pain or Discomfort: Especially noticeable while lying down or chewing, indicating ear issues.
  • Feeling of Fullness: A persistent sensation of pressure within the ear.
  • Hearing Challenges: Struggles with perceiving or reacting to auditory stimuli.
  • Ear Discharge: Fluid leaking from the ear, varying from clear to pus-filled or bloody.
  • Behavioral Changes in Children: Heightened irritability, alterations in demeanor, and shifts in academic performance.

Diagnosing Ear Infection and Hearing Loss

To diagnose ear infection and hearing loss, a healthcare provider will start with a thorough history and physical exam. They'll look inside the ears with an instrument called an otoscope - this tool allows them to see the eardrum and check for signs of infection, like redness, swelling, and pus. If there's a suspicion of hearing loss, they may perform a hearing test, also known as an audiogram, to determine the extent of hearing impairment and whether it's conductive (related to the middle ear) or sensorineural (related to the inner ear or auditory nerve).

Treatment Options for Ear Infection

The good news is that most ear infection-related hearing loss is temporary and can be treated effectively - the treatment plan will depend on the cause of the infection and the severity of the symptoms. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are often prescribed. If the ear infection is viral, it may resolve on its own, and the focus will be on managing symptoms and addressing drainage of the middle ear.

Medical Treatments: Antibiotics and Surgery

  • Antibiotics: If the ear infection is bacterial, antibiotics taken orally or as ear drops can help clear the infection.
  • Ear Tubes: For recurrent infections or persistent fluid build-up, a minor surgical procedure to insert tubes into the ears can help fluid drain and prevent future infections.
  • Myringotomy: In some cases, a surgical incision into the eardrum (myringotomy) may be necessary to relieve pressure and drain fluid.

It's important to follow the full course of treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure the infection clears and hearing is restored.

Holistic Approaches: Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Besides medical treatments, certain lifestyle adjustments can support ear health and prevent infections. Staying well-hydrated helps keep mucus thin and more easily drained. Including foods rich in vitamins C and E, as well as zinc, can boost the immune system. Avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke is also crucial, as these can irritate the eustachian tubes and increase the risk of infections.

Living with Ear Infection-Caused Hearing Loss

If you're experiencing hearing loss due to an ear infection, it's essential to stay connected with your healthcare provider and follow their recommendations closely - with the right treatment and care, you can recover and maintain healthy hearing. Keep in mind that while most ear infection-caused hearing loss is temporary, persistent or recurrent infections can lead to more serious conditions. Therefore, it's crucial to address ear infections early and adequately to prevent long-term hearing issues.

Most hearing loss from ear infections is temporary, but it's important to treat them early to avoid serious problems.

Can Ear Infection-Caused Hearing Loss be Prevented?

Most importantly, preventing ear infections is key to avoiding ear infection-based hearing loss. While it's not always possible to prevent every infection, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk and protect your hearing - good hygiene practices, such as frequent hand washing, can help prevent the spread of germs that might lead to ear infections. It's also important to manage allergies effectively, as they can contribute to eustachian tube dysfunction and fluid build-up in the middle ear.

Because the eustachian tubes in children are smaller and more horizontal than in adults, they can have a harder time draining fluid, making them more prone to ear infections. Therefore, keeping children away from secondhand smoke, ensuring they're up to date on vaccinations, and breastfeeding infants for at least six months can also help reduce the risk of ear infections and subsequent hearing loss. Steps one can take to minimize the risk:

  • Hygiene Maintenance: Adopt thorough cleanliness routines to halt infection transmission.
  • Allergy Control: Utilize suitable treatments or adjustments in lifestyle to manage allergies effectively.
  • Environmental Irritant Avoidance: Steer clear of secondhand smoke and additional environmental triggers.
  • Vaccination Compliance: Ensure vaccinations are current, particularly for young children.
  • Breastfeeding Encouragement: Aim to breastfeed infants exclusively for the initial six months, when feasible. 

NANO OTC Hearing Aids for Perceived Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss

The NANO CIC Digital Recharge OTC Hearing Aids (CIC4) model. 

For those experiencing perceived mild to moderate hearing loss as a result of an ear infection, over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids like those offered by us at NANO Hearing Aids might provide a helpful solution.

However, it's crucial to first confirm whether NANO OTC hearing aids are suitable for your specific condition - in cases where hearing loss is due to fluid build-up or infection, addressing the underlying issue is necessary before considering hearing aids. Once any infection is treated and hearing loss persists, OTC hearing aids can be an affordable and accessible option.

Shop NANO OTC Hearing Aids

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does hearing loss last after an ear infection?

Hearing loss associated with an ear infection is usually temporary. Once the infection clears and any fluid in the middle ear drains, hearing typically returns to normal. However, if you experience persistent hearing loss, it's important to follow up with your healthcare provider.

Can adults get ear infection-related hearing loss, or is it just in children?

While ear infections are more common in children, adults can also develop ear infections and experience related hearing loss. As such, it's important for individuals of any age to seek treatment for ear infections to prevent complications, including hearing loss.

Are there any home remedies for ear infections that can help with hearing loss?

Some home remedies may provide relief from ear infection symptoms, such as applying a warm compress to the affected ear or using over-the-counter pain relievers. However, these remedies should not replace medical treatment, especially if there is significant pain, fever, or hearing loss.

When should I see a doctor for an ear infection and hearing loss?

You should see a doctor if you experience symptoms of an ear infection, such as ear pain, fluid drainage, or hearing loss. Prompt treatment can prevent complications and help restore normal hearing more quickly.

Should I get a hearing aid immediately after an ear infection?

In some cases, hearing loss due to an ear infection may be temporary, and normal hearing might return once the infection is resolved. A hearing professional can assess whether a hearing aid is necessary.


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